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This is the info dump page regarding JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and its various power systems/lore of how it all works.

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Part 5 Stand. King Crimson's Time Erasure.

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The primary ability of Diavolo, the main antagonist, is named King Crimson (after the band King Crimson from the 70's) and it has the power to "Erase Time". What this means is that Diavolo can activate King Crimsons ability to force everyone in its range (said range is never properly defined) to perform the actions they are pre-destined to perform, with the only exception to destiny being Diavolo himself. He and he alone can move freely within this "Erased Time" and in a way change his own fated actions. The main reason as to why he's able to do this is due to his secondary ability "Epitaph" which allows him to view fate as a projection and henceforth know exactly where everyone will be after the time skip while all of his foes and allies are left in a state of confusion for they have no memory of the past time that was skipped.

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